.. image:: _static/logo_full.png .. module:: jenkins_badges welcome to jenkins_badges ========================== .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/jenkins-badges.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jenkins-badges .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/jenkins-badges.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jenkins-badges .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/jenkins-badges.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jenkins-badges .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/status/jenkins-badges.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jenkins-badges .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/implementation/jenkins-badges.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jenkins-badges Latest Version: v |version| `jenkins_badges `_ is a small flask app that serves dynamic badge images based on data from Jenkins CI. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Supported Badges ----------------- +----------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Endpoint | Examples | Default | +======================+========================================+==================================+ |coverage/ | .. image:: _static/coverage_green.svg | 80% + | + +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | .. image:: _static/coverage_yellow.svg | 20%-80% | + +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | .. image:: _static/coverage_red.svg | < 20% | + +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | .. image:: _static/coverage_error.svg | error getting coverage data | +----------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ Get it now ----------- With pip: ********** .. code-block:: bash $ pip install jenkins_badges Jenkins Requirements ---------------------- `jenkins_badges` communicates with your Jenkins instance over the `Jenkins API `_ . You need to either set up up the `anonymous` user in Jenkins with read access or supply `jenkins_badges` with the credentials of a jenkins user who has read access. For the coverage badge to work, your Jenkins instance must have the `Cobertura plugin `_ installed with coverage data being supplied to it after every successful build. Quickstart ---------- `jenkins_badges` needs to be provided with information about your jenkins instance. This can be provided as arguments to the `create_app` function or via a configuration file. Supplying configuration parameters directly ********************************************** 1. create and run the app .. code-block:: python import jenkins_badges #path to your jenkins instance base_url = "https://example.com/jenkins" # not required if anonymous jenkins user has read access username = "apiuser" #a user with read access token = "6c3bde145bcda49402b6914f2353a734" #user's token app = jenkins_badges.create_app(base_url=base_url, username=username, token=token) app.run() Output: .. code-block:: console * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) 2. Your coverage badge image should be accessible at `` Supplying a configuration file ************************************ 1. Create a configuration file .. code:: python # /home/ubuntu/.jenkins_badges JENKINS_BASE_URL = "https://example.com/jenkins" # not required if anonymous jenkins user has read access JENKINS_USERNAME = "apiuser" #a user with read access JENKINS_TOKEN = "6c3bde145bcda49402b6914f2353a734" #user's token 2. Create a JENKINS_BADGES_SETTINGS environmental variable with the path to the configuration file: Linux: .. code-block:: bash $ export JENKINS_BADGES_SETTINGS=/home/ubuntu/.jenkins_badges 3. create and run the app .. code-block:: python import jenkins_badges app = jenkins_badges.create_app(from_envvar=True) app.run() Output: .. code-block:: console * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) 4. Your coverage badge image should be accessible at `` Placing into a Readme File --------------------------- Displaying a badge is as easy as placing a reference into your readme file. If your readme file uses MarkDown: .. code-block:: md ![Coverage]( If your readme file uses restructuredText: .. code-block:: rst .. image:: WSGI Example ------------- Just like any Flask app, a `jenkins_badges` app can be placed on a server with WSGI support: .. code:: python #exampleapp.wsgi import os #tell jenkins_badges where the config file is located os.environ['JENKINS_BADGES_SETTINGS'] = '/home/ubuntu/.jenkins_badges' from jenkins_badges import create_app #name of app must be "application" application = create_app() Comparison with Shields.io API -------------------------------------------------------- `shields.io `_ has a simple API for accessing Jenkins coverage data, **providing your Jenkins anonymous user is granted read access**: `https://img.shields.io/jenkins/c///job/.svg` `shields.io` also hard codes badge colours and the number of decimal points. `jenkins_badges` is more suited if you want finer control of how your coverage badge is displayed or if you only allow authenticated users to access your jenkins instance. Responsiveness --------------- `jenkins_badges` serves badge images with a "maxAge" `cache-control` header value of 30 seconds. It does not perform redirects to `shields.io` due to GitHub's well known `badge caching problems `_. As long as the server hosting your documentation respects `cache-control` headers, your badge should update on a page refresh after a jenkins build. The responsiveness of images served by `jenkins_badges` has been successfully tested on readme pages hosted by GitHub. Troubleshooting ----------------- Coverage error badge displayed ******************************* Problem communicating with Jenkins. You can test out whether `jenkins_badges` will be able to communicate with Jenkins by performing the following API request: Linux: .. code-block:: bash $ curl http:///job//lastSuccessfulBuild/cobertura/api/json/?depth=2 Sample Output: .. code-block:: console {"_class":"hudson.plugins.cobertura.targets.CoverageResult","results":{"children":[{"children":[{}],"elements":[{},{},{},{}],"name":"marbl"}],"elements":[{"denominator":1.0,"name":"Packages","numerator":1.0,"ratio":100.0},{"denominator":1.0,"name":"Files","numerator":1.0,"ratio":100.0},{"denominator":1.0,"name":"Classes","numerator":1.0,"ratio":100.0},{"denominator":5.0,"name":"Lines","numerator":4.0,"ratio":80.0},{"denominator":0.0,"name":"Conditionals","numerator":0.0,"ratio":100.0}],"name":"Cobertura Coverage Report"}} API ---- The jenkins_badges API is pretty simple, consisting of one function. Under the covers, the app is divided into flask blueprints, which allows it to be easily extended in the future. .. automodule:: jenkins_badges :members: Contributing ------------- .. include:: ../CONTRIBUTING.rst Project info ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 changelog license authors kudos